If you need a bank loan or a cash loan, you need not look any further. There are lots of quick loans available that is instantly given and even on applying online these loans are available at competitive interest rates. It is an endeavor to get a loan easily by instant and online credit evaluation. Contacting a right lender is mandatory such as BC Loans. They provide convenient and easy access to credit.
Salient features
- Instant or fast cash from $250 to $1250
- Paperless loans so, no signing, printing or sending documents.
- Fast cash using bank deposit made available on same day
- Approval in hardly an hour.
- Flexible schedules of repayment between 3 to 6 months.
- Online personalized customer support.
- Accessing personal account online anytime
What is instant loan?
An instant loan refers to the loan that is made available instantly such as the instant loans approval with BC Loans. For instance, if you need an instant or urgent cash of $750 today, BC Loans team would ensure your account instantly receives the money on processing. This is usually available on the same day and even in the same hour. On getting this instant cash loan, you can clear your bills or whatever instantly and enjoy the flexibility of repaying over a 3 to 6 month period. For instance, you borrowed cash $750, you may pay it back even as $120 in 10 installment. However, this will include an application fee that will be given to the broker or the agent. This fee is determined by the broker or the official agent while filing each applicants request and the lender charges the interest.
The interest rates are ranging from 10% to 29% as annual interest rates and this is based o each financial institution, so it may vary with each lender company.
The approvals
If your loan repayment is interrupted, the BC Loans team work together and modify the agreement of repayment depending on the applicant’s current needs. The company adheres to Canadian lending standards and regulations and is in legal compliance that demanding payment in full for outstanding interests, amounts or costs is done in case of default payment. Apart from this, in case there is legal fees incurred owing to a default applicant, the fees is also claimed from the applicant, so if you default, you must repay. Thus, it is best to repay the loan as per the agreement.